Everything Search Engine Free Download For Windows
The Everything Search Engine is an excellent application for finding files on your PC. The application indexes your local file system and searches your files in milliseconds. It can search hundreds of thousands of files in a single search. It uses a pre-built and real-time updated index to find files quickly. Everything solves the problem of proliferating folder trees by bringing order to growing information. It also offers powerful search options, including file type, category, size, and date modified.
The Everything search engine has two controls: the search field and the filter bar. The search field displays results based on the search term you entered. By default, Everything will search through your entire index, but you can narrow your search by specifying a filter. Everything also lets you set custom macros to search by specific fields, including the title of the file. Once the search is complete, the results screen will display a list of similar results.
Using the Everything Search Engine to search files on other computers is very simple. Once installed, it launches with your system's startup. Once it's running, it sits in the system tray. Advanced users can configure the search settings so that Everything acts as a web browser or an ETP or FTP server. Once you've installed the application, all you need to do is set a strong password to protect your privacy and secure your files.